10 March 2015

10 March 2015

Mike Burrows is just releasing the latest edition of his book ‘Bicycle Design’. For those of you who haven’t come across his name before, go check your cycling history! In short, Mike is the inventor behind the Lotus monocoque frame, the compact road frame, the aero seatpost and one of the best recumbent tricycles, amongst many other feats of bicycling engineering. I raced with him back in the day with the British Human Powered Club. Last year he asked if he could use some photos of my bikes in the latest edition of his book, so I sent some files his way. I haven’t seen it yet, but here is a short video from the book launch.


  1. Thanks, Rob!
    Looking forward to get a good book.

  2. Hi Rob!

    Any idea about that book?
    I was looking for it and no info found. The only thing i found (with same photo as the one you posted here) is the book of Chris Boardman: The Biography of the Modern Bike: The Ultimate History of Bike Design (published on 22 Jun 2015).


  3. Hi Mircea,

    You can find the latest edition here: http://bikefix.co.uk/mike-burrows-bicycle-design


  4. thank you, Rob!
    do you have any suggestion for a bike-fit book?
    best regards,

    • Not off hand, let me know if you find a good one!

      • 🙂 i will.
        so far i read a couple, interesting in parts, but nothing overwhelming or really special.
        best regards,

  5. Hi Rob!

    Any idea about this book? Is it out there?

    I can not find anything about this book, meaning a 2015 edition.
    All i can find is the 2008 edition.

    And, exactly the same photo you used here, on this post, in on a cover book made in 2015, but that is by Chris Boardman, named: Biography of the Bike: The Ultimate History of Bike Design.

    Any idea? Thank you!

    • Hi Mircea,

      I haven’t been able to find it either, even when I was in England earlier this year. I don’t know what happened, if they only did a short run or if it didn’t get printed. Ah well.


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