Patrick’s Pinion adventure bike

Patrick is a Brit now living in Finland – with the personal connection that his teacher in high school was my mother! So kind of fun to build a bike for him. He wanted a do anything/ride anywhere bike for adventures – be they of the daily towing-the-children kind or the more multi-day type. He requested the drivetrain be the Pinion gearbox, which gave me the chance for my first build around this option. Combined with the Gates beltdrive, this gives Patrick a completely weather-proof drive for the very varied conditions of Scandinavia.
The frame and fork have clearance for big 29″ tires – including the studded variety when required. Plus mountings for racks and stowage for touring duties. A locally made set of wooden fenders will provide protection.
Belt tensioning is handled by the Paragon Machine Works rocker dropouts. With the bike already having very quiet running with the gearbox and belt, the wheels are built around the excellent Onyx sprag clutch hubs – noiseless free-wheeling and instant engagement (useful since the Pinion has a few degrees of take-up in it’s internals).
Patrick requested the full neon treatment for visibility, with powder and paint over for durability.
Love this!